NOTE: This page is marked “earlydoc”, or “early documentation”, which means it might be brief, or contain information about parts of the app that are under heavy development. If you encounter issues with instructions found here, please check out the support page for options.

Installation Prerequisites

This section will ask you to install & configure several services exaplained below.

Network Requirements

HTTPS is required (or localhost)

Postiz marks it’s login cookies as Secure, which means you must run it either on localhost, or behind HTTPS - this is called a “secure context” in modern web browsers.

If you are not running either HTTPS or on localhost, then you will not be able to login, as your browser will refuse to send the login cookie.

Postiz will not generate your HTTPS certificates for you, and it’s servers cannot yet be configured to use a HTTPS certificate. This means you must use a reverse proxy to handle HTTPS. Documentation on popular reverse proxies can be found in the reverse proxies section, and if you’ve never used a reverse proxy with docker compose before, then caddy is recommended.

Network Ports

  • 5000/tcp: for a single single entry point for postiz when running in a container. This is the one port your reverse proxy should talk to.
  • 4200/tcp: for the Frontend service (the web interface). Most users do not need to expose this port publicly.
  • 3000/tcp: for the Backend service (the API). Most users do not need to expose this port publicly.
  • 5432/tcp: for the Postgres container. Most users do not need to expose this port publicly.
  • 6379/tcp: for the Redis container. Most users do not need to expose this port publicly.

If you are using docker images, we recommend just exposing port 5000 to your external proxy. This will reduce the likelihood of misconfiguration, and make it easier to manage your network.

Installation Prerequisites

  • Name: Postiz
  • Select the “production” environment.

Network Requirements

Copy the Coolify docker-compose file here - and be careful to read the comments about variables you must change!;

    container_name: postiz
    restart: always
      # You must change these. `yourServerAddress` is what your web browser uses.
      MAIN_URL: ""
      FRONTEND_URL: ""
      JWT_SECRET: "random string that is unique to every install - just type random characters here!"
      # These defaults are probably fine, but if you change your user/password, update it in the 
      # postiz-postgres or postiz-redis services below.
      DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://postiz-user:postiz-password@postiz-postgres:5432/postiz-db-local"
      REDIS_URL: "redis://postiz-redis:6379"
      BACKEND_INTERNAL_URL: "http://localhost:3000"
      IS_GENERAL: "true" # Required for self-hosting.
      # The container images are pre-configured to use /uploads for file storage.
      # You probably should not change this unless you have a really good reason!
      STORAGE_PROVIDER: "local"
      UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: "/uploads"
      - postiz-config:/config/
      - postiz-uploads:/uploads/
      - 5000:5000
      - postiz-network
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.https.routers.<unique_router_name>.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/`)"
      - "traefik.https.routers.<unique_router_name>.entryPoints=https"
        condition: service_healthy
        condition: service_healthy
    image: postgres:14.5
    container_name: postiz-postgres
    restart: always
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postiz-password
      POSTGRES_USER: postiz-user
      POSTGRES_DB: postiz-db-local
      - postgres-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - 5432:5432
      - postiz-network
      test: pg_isready -U postiz-user -d postiz-db-local
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 3s
      retries: 3
    image: redis:7.2
    container_name: postiz-redis
    restart: always
      - 6379:6379
      test: redis-cli ping
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 3s
      retries: 3
      - postiz-redis-data:/data
      - postiz-network
    external: false
    external: false
    external: false
    external: false

Save the configuration.

HTTPS is required (or localhost)

  • In the “Service Stack” tab;
  • Suggest changing the “Service Name” to just “postiz” for clarity.
  • Click the “Connect to Predefined Network” tab.
  • Check that 3 services are defined - postiz, postiz-postgres and postiz-redis.
  • In the “Storages” tab, check that the 3 related volumes are created.

Network Ports

Postiz is approximately 2.5Gb and several container layers, it will take some time to download, be patient. You should see “Downloading” and “Extracting” messages. The Postiz dependencies are almost 200k files, and this can take a while.

Hopefully you will see a message like Container postiz-dssc8gc880s88cg08cck884s Started. in the logs. Once you see this message, close the startup logs view.

Check that the services are running in the “Service Stack” tab, and make sure they are not constantly restarting, or failing to start.