Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot

  1. Open Telegram and message @BotFather.
  2. Click Start
  3. Click Menu
  • click “Create a new bot”
  • Enter a name for your bot (e.g., MyPostizBot).

Name Bot

  • Choose a unique username ending with “bot” (e.g., MyPostizBot_bot).

Unique Bot Name

Once your bot is created, BotFather will give you an API Token. Keep it safe—you’ll need it later.

Bot Token

  1. Click on “Menu”
  2. Click on “Edit your bots”
  3. Select your bot
  4. Click on “Bot Settings”

Bot Settings

  1. Click on “Group Privacy”

Group Privacy

  1. if “Privacy mode” is enabled, turn it off (it is enabled by default)

Step 3: Add Your Bot to Telegram Groups or Channels

  1. Navigate to your group/channel
  2. Add your bot to your group/channel
  3. The bot requires these permissions to work with Postiz:
  • access to messages || so the bot can read messages sent in the group/channel
  • Send Text Messages || so the bot can send messages
  • Send Media || so the bot can send media

INFO: While not strictly required, making your bot an admin is recommended. It will give the bot all the permissions needed and make the setup easier and faster.

Step 4: Add Bot Token to Your Application

In your .env file, add the Telegram Bot Name (Without the @) and the Telegram Bot API Token that you received from BotFather in Step 1:

TELEGRAM_TOKEN="MyPostizBot token"

INFO: If you are using Docker Compose, include the NTBA_FIX_350: 1 variable directly in your docker-compose.yml. see Node Telegram Bot API for reference.

You should be able to connect your group/channel to Postiz now!